Roller champions
Roller champions

roller champions

Blending elements from rollerblading and basketball, its a high-speed, team-based sports title heading to PlayStation 4.

roller champions

Project management perspective : this looks like a failure to direct what looks like a talented team towards a clear goal, because the game it itself looks good, has a nice sound track, but shows a clear lack of direction. Roller Champions is an upcoming free-to-play multiplayer game from Ubisoft. Conclusion: Game design perspective : this is to me a very nice idea that the design team failed to refine into something that meets its niche. I watched big streamers like Sips cancelling their stream (probably sponsored by Ubisoft by the way) because they just got tired trying to navigate the connectivity issues and crashes. It's expected to see F2P launches crash servers and whatnot, but this game ain't no WoW nor a highly anticipated game like Elden Ring.

roller champions

As a Roller Champion, compete in a team of three against three. They roll up to 100 miles an hour, tackle opponents, wall-skate, and dunk while thousands of fans scream their names. The launch has been a mess, and I think they lost a lot of potential players my delivering a subpar experience. Arenas are built all over the world and fans rush to the stands to admire their modern-day heroes, the Roller Champions. I had fun playing throughout the various betas, and the final release, but even if I considered myself a big fan of the game, I got bored very quickly, it's like playing the same thing over again.


The Free to Play market is full of options, and I have to say the offering is quite limited with Roller Champions. I remember the hype at that time, and I feel they missed the opportunity to limit development costs and start small, see what happens, and build a community and a better game for that crowd. Instead of waiting so long to release it, they should probably have released it a year or so after the announcement at E3, like they originally planned. This game has been in development for ages. I've been following the game since its first appearance at E3, and I have to say the game didn't change much, same game pretty much, more I've been following the game since its first appearance at E3, and I have to say the game didn't change much, same game pretty much, more cosmetic options, a $ shop / pay pass, and what seem to be the same matchmaking issues and crashes.

Roller champions